Order Form for Mail
Owning, Buying or Flying the Cessna 150/152
Cessna 150 / 152 Reference Data CD
Mastering the E-6B Flight Computer
The Cheapskate's Guide to Getting Your Pilot's License
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Cessna 150 / 152 book: How many? __________ at $24.95 per copy, __________________
Cessna 150 / 152 Reference Data CD: How many? ___________ at $20.00 each, ___________________
Mastering the E-6B Flight Computer book: How many? ___________ at $24.95 per copy, _______________
Cheapskate's Guide to Getting Your Pilot's License: How many? ___________ at $24.95 per copy, _______________
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Mike Arman
M. Arman Publishing
PO Box 785
Oak Hill, FL 32759 (USA)
Please make your check or money order payable to M. Arman Publishing.
Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with any book, just return it (clean please), and I will refund your money. The data CD is replacement only.
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4/12/16, minor tweaks
8/23/13, added book
2/11/10, address update
Words requested by search engine optimizer: 150 cessna 150 cessna 150 cessna 150 cessna Cessna 150 book Cessna 150 book Cessna 150 152 Cessna 150 152 Dalton E-6B Circular Slide Rule E-6B shop manual parts book O-200 Continental O-235 Lycoming Cheapskate's Guide to Getting Your Pilot's License